All You Need Is Love Beatles Trubute Band Calgary

I went out last night to see Calgary's finest Beatles tribute band, All You Need Is Love. Great job by all! nailed it! The Beatles are big boots ( Cuban heeled boots at that) to fill and the band did a stellar job doing just that, recreating both the look and feel of The Beatles. Booted and suited they took the audience on a "magical history tour"....... I love it when a band goes the extra mile with proper equipment, look and of course, musicianship and generally caring about the audience first, as All You Need Is Love demonstrated last evening.

Calgary Caricatures

KISS or....Keep It Simple Silly. Seems to work the best sometimes. I was drawing caricatures at a cosmetic counter and was asked to draw the ladies in a high-heel shoe. Most turned out quite well, but was asked just to draw "head and shoulders" by the guests. Often I'm asked to draw with "theme" ideas, such as when I was asked by a major airline to draw all guests in an airplane.....after a few, guests just said..."skip the plane.....just draw me by myself." Sometimes just drawing caricatures the simple way just seems to work the best. :)

Calgary Temporary Airbrush Tattoos

A shout out to the best temporary airbrush tattoo artist in Calgary, Cara Gannon. I worked an event with her recently and here's a couple different ones that adults requested....she was able to put them together quite quickly. If your event or function would like a temporary airbrush tattoo artist in Calgary, Cara's email is...

Kids Up Front Caricatures

It's always a good idea when an entertainer has the opportunity to give back to a great organization, and that organization is Calgary's "Kids Up Front." I don't do any studio caricatures anymore, but do cartoony, simple ones for the board of directors for this important organization. I've done about triple this number but was requested again last week to add to the many cartoon heads of people that do work for Kids Up Front. It's MY honour!

Calgary Party Caricatures

I had the pleasure to draw caricatures in Calgary for employees at a retail outlet last week....I sure love it when I can draw only one subject onto the paper at a time, though most of my work has couples drawn in.

Party Caricatures

Delightful guests is one way to describe all the subjects I drew caricatures at here in Calgary last week. This event was a large one with 800 guests and 5 caricature artists. The venue is situated beside the bobsled run that the movie "Cool Running" was filmed starring the late John Candy. One of my favorite events I've drawn at....thanks to the guests!

Bewitched Opening 1969

A fantastic, fun cartoon version of the main characters of the 60's sitcom "Bewitched." These are the  type of caricatures that perked my interest in cartoons and caricatures. It's sad television shows never use the type of openings anymore. I also love the minimal amount of lines the caricaturist used while still getting an exact likeness, and he also didn't need to draw an overly exaggerated caricature to make it good. Sometimes fun wins over the caricaturist's ego.

Fort McMurray Fires

Thank God today it started raining up in the Fort McMurray region. To readers that haven't heard about the fires in northern Canada, the area on fire is the size of New York State. I must say, even Russia has offered to help, with our VERY inexperienced Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau turning them down...don't ask. I always wanted to visit Fort McMurray one day as in the 90's, I was working as an editorial cartoonist for The Fort McMurray Today newspaper. I hope the city comes back just as vibrant!
UPDATE... I usually stay non political on my blog, but I find it disgusting that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau can GIVE away billions of dollars around the world and to areas that voted for him, but simply "match" dollar for dollar Red Cross donations. He hasn't had the courtesy yet of even coming to Alberta and this is May 12th. That tells you something about what kind of man he is...doesn't say much to me.😐
UPDATE OF UPDATE... Okay...Trudeau showed up and seen the devastation...not a lot to say... So far, unemployment benefits are going to be extended..  ,.. wow.....what a Prime Minister we voted in......😕

Sugar Skull Caricatures

As far as I know, I'm the only caricature artist that does "Sugar Skull Caricatures," and I had the chance again last week being hired by a Tequila company to draw these at an event. I had first tried them at the Calgary Comic Con. There were two situations the guests could choose from, first the make-up artist would apply the make-up, then I try to draw it like the one above, and the other is that I create the make-up design for the guests that didn't want their face painted. The night was a success. Thanks Sarah!

Pentel Arts Color Brush

On my quest for the perfect pen to use when drawing party caricatures, I overspent and bought a Pentel Arts Color Brush......what a mistake! In my opinion, these so far are the worst brush pen I've none. ink is hard to flow properly, you have to squeeze the handle ( WHO thought of that?). Messy and sloppy lines are all that I got from this pen. In my opinion, a total waste of money on my part, and I have tried tens of thousands of drawings with many other brush pens.

Surfer Dud

A cartoon design for a new Facebook page I've just created....if you enjoy cartoon design, how about click onto my "Like" page just to the right of you :) (more shameless self promotion....).

Calgary Caricatures

Last week had me caricaturing a delightful group of ladies at an event here in Calgary.....always enjoy this event!
I think if you were to ask most caricaturists, it's so much easier drawing just one guest on each page than the customary two people, though two people is the norm.
I even had a chance to draw a young fellow....
Finally getting used to using a cell phone for a camera....instead of....a camera....hmmmnn
And the young gal greeting guests at the door.

Mini Wheats Commercial

Oh...come on.....this is one fun commercial! Gotta love it!

Retro Cartoon Design

I completed another cartoon for a Facebook page called....   Kelly Gannon Retro Cartoon Design   If you like cartoon design with a yesteryear flair, drop in and give me a like... (( how's that for shameless promotion!)
Kelly Gannon

Caricature Artist in Calgary

I only had time to take a couple pics of a two day event I drew caricatures at here in Calgary for The Pet Expo....fantastic company, Petsecure! The folks at the booth I worked in were a terrific group to work with....thanks Jennifer! Can you believe it.....out of eight hours of steady drawing, I only came out with two pictures....:)

Bard Bash

Having four events to draw caricatures at this weekend had me running out of one event, changing into my suit in my vehicle inbetween and just getting to another event to draw caricatures at. Traffic is always an issue in Calgary, I'm sure our city planners in Calgary were dipping into "grandpa's cough medicine" when they designed our light system.....speaking of lights.... these are the only pictures I was able to get at this terrific event. Wonderful, fun people Saturday evening at the Saltlik Restaurant for The Bard Bash. Thanks so much Alane!

Calgary Pet Expo

If you're not busy Saturday and Sunday, bring yourself, or the kids down to Spruce Meadows to the Calgary Pet Expo for a free caricature. I'll be there from noon to 4:00pm. Love to see you there!

Prince, Tom Petty, Steve Winwood, Jeff Lynne and others -- "While My Gui...

It's not news now, but Prince died today and I just had to post my favorite guitar playing by Prince....though the song is a George Harrison song. (George Harrison's son is the young guy playing acoustic guitar in the video...) I always liked Prince, not just his talents, but I never could stand rock stars dressing in tee shirts and sloppy jeans...and a show is what is expected from a rock star (listen up Bon Jovi....the worst I've seen to date...). Prince always presented himself as an entertainer. A great talent lost. Check out his guitar solo at the end......fantastic....

Trade Show Caricatures in Calgary

It was a fun couple days drawing caricatures up in Kananaskis Country at a resort for IT techs, sponsored by Microsoft. It was a good steady line of guests to draw.
Right past that mountain is the resort I'm to be drawing caricatures at.....the road was clear of moose and deer as well as mountain goats....I know this as many times I've slowed down as I draw at the resort over part of the Christmas season.
Last Wednesday had me rush from one event through rush hour traffic just in time to make it to draw caricatures here in Calgary for a conference.....most of the guests being from Quebec, such as the lovely lady above. Not many of my pictures turned out because of the lighting, but the caricatures did....:)

Day of the Dead Caricatures

I have an event for a tequila company coming up and finally get to use my Day of the Dead, or Sugar Skull caricatures for the event. I had come up with this idea last year and used it at The Calgary Comic Con. As far as I know, I'm the first to have ever done this style. I'm really looking forward to the event as I worked on about a dozen different Sugar Skull designs.
Kelly Gannon

Retro Cartoon Design

I completed another retro cartoon design for my upcoming Facebook page to show another side of my business, retro cartoon design. This guy is obviously 50's inspired. I downloaded a couple fifties vehicles and "lifted" the colors from the cars to put into the cartoon.
Kelly Gannon

Calgary Caricatures

One of many events I've drawn caricatures in Calgary over the last couple weeks, the reason I've been slow on the posting is the nerds and geeks at Microsoft insisted that my old computer program made too much sense and were far too easy to a forced upgrade was needed..heaven forbid, instead, they design a total mess and force the public to learn how to use it any wonder people now do everything on their cell phones and tablets.....? enough of the rants, here are a few of the delightful guests I caricatured at a recent event. Thanks Alane!
I get the great opportunity of working many corporate caricature events in this downtown hotel, and the staff is wonderful!

Trade Show Caricatures

 Last weekend had me at The BMO Centre drawing caricatures for a tradeshow featuring new wines, beers and assorted alcohols. Fortunately, the wine I was promoting is called "Caricature," know the rest of the story.
Darn....he closed his eyes or this would have been a great sample picture!
And yes, I sampled the wine and it tastes as good as it's name...

Cartoon Design

I finished another cartoon for my Facebook page.....I'm experimenting with retro colors that I wouldn't have thought of using a few months ago.....but these colors are growing on me, and they give the cartoon a distinctive look to it. It's a satisfying feeling trying something you wouldn't normally do.....:)
Kelly Gannon
Jazzberry Entertainment