Caricature Artist in Calgary

I only had time to take a couple pics of a two day event I drew caricatures at here in Calgary for The Pet Expo....fantastic company, Petsecure! The folks at the booth I worked in were a terrific group to work with....thanks Jennifer! Can you believe it.....out of eight hours of steady drawing, I only came out with two pictures....:)

Bard Bash

Having four events to draw caricatures at this weekend had me running out of one event, changing into my suit in my vehicle inbetween and just getting to another event to draw caricatures at. Traffic is always an issue in Calgary, I'm sure our city planners in Calgary were dipping into "grandpa's cough medicine" when they designed our light system.....speaking of lights.... these are the only pictures I was able to get at this terrific event. Wonderful, fun people Saturday evening at the Saltlik Restaurant for The Bard Bash. Thanks so much Alane!

Calgary Pet Expo

If you're not busy Saturday and Sunday, bring yourself, or the kids down to Spruce Meadows to the Calgary Pet Expo for a free caricature. I'll be there from noon to 4:00pm. Love to see you there!

Prince, Tom Petty, Steve Winwood, Jeff Lynne and others -- "While My Gui...

It's not news now, but Prince died today and I just had to post my favorite guitar playing by Prince....though the song is a George Harrison song. (George Harrison's son is the young guy playing acoustic guitar in the video...) I always liked Prince, not just his talents, but I never could stand rock stars dressing in tee shirts and sloppy jeans...and a show is what is expected from a rock star (listen up Bon Jovi....the worst I've seen to date...). Prince always presented himself as an entertainer. A great talent lost. Check out his guitar solo at the end......fantastic....

Trade Show Caricatures in Calgary

It was a fun couple days drawing caricatures up in Kananaskis Country at a resort for IT techs, sponsored by Microsoft. It was a good steady line of guests to draw.
Right past that mountain is the resort I'm to be drawing caricatures at.....the road was clear of moose and deer as well as mountain goats....I know this as many times I've slowed down as I draw at the resort over part of the Christmas season.
Last Wednesday had me rush from one event through rush hour traffic just in time to make it to draw caricatures here in Calgary for a conference.....most of the guests being from Quebec, such as the lovely lady above. Not many of my pictures turned out because of the lighting, but the caricatures did....:)

Day of the Dead Caricatures

I have an event for a tequila company coming up and finally get to use my Day of the Dead, or Sugar Skull caricatures for the event. I had come up with this idea last year and used it at The Calgary Comic Con. As far as I know, I'm the first to have ever done this style. I'm really looking forward to the event as I worked on about a dozen different Sugar Skull designs.
Kelly Gannon

Retro Cartoon Design

I completed another retro cartoon design for my upcoming Facebook page to show another side of my business, retro cartoon design. This guy is obviously 50's inspired. I downloaded a couple fifties vehicles and "lifted" the colors from the cars to put into the cartoon.
Kelly Gannon

Calgary Caricatures

One of many events I've drawn caricatures in Calgary over the last couple weeks, the reason I've been slow on the posting is the nerds and geeks at Microsoft insisted that my old computer program made too much sense and were far too easy to a forced upgrade was needed..heaven forbid, instead, they design a total mess and force the public to learn how to use it any wonder people now do everything on their cell phones and tablets.....? enough of the rants, here are a few of the delightful guests I caricatured at a recent event. Thanks Alane!
I get the great opportunity of working many corporate caricature events in this downtown hotel, and the staff is wonderful!

Trade Show Caricatures

 Last weekend had me at The BMO Centre drawing caricatures for a tradeshow featuring new wines, beers and assorted alcohols. Fortunately, the wine I was promoting is called "Caricature," know the rest of the story.
Darn....he closed his eyes or this would have been a great sample picture!
And yes, I sampled the wine and it tastes as good as it's name...

Cartoon Design

I finished another cartoon for my Facebook page.....I'm experimenting with retro colors that I wouldn't have thought of using a few months ago.....but these colors are growing on me, and they give the cartoon a distinctive look to it. It's a satisfying feeling trying something you wouldn't normally do.....:)
Kelly Gannon
Jazzberry Entertainment

Cartoon Design

I wonder if there are any more "beatnicks" around? Anyway.....they enjoyed simple music! My little version of a couple satisfied beatnicks.....:)
Jazzberry Entertainment

Cartoon Design

One more cartoon-design I finished for my Facebook page. Surfers....sun, sand, beaches and bikinis.........
Kelly Gannon
Jazzberry Entertainment

Retro-Cartoon Design

I've been working on a new Facebook page featuring all my retro-Cartoon Designs. Here's a small sample of one, there will be cartoon designs of surf, spy, music and the lounge genre....all the fun stuff!  It's a lot of work getting all of these cartoon designs ready, but I'll post the Facebook page when a few are up.
Kelly Gannon
Jazzberry Entertainment

Car Show

My Son Chris and I attended the car show here in Calgary Sunday....hmmmnnn, just a bit disappointing, you're better off going to a show and shine and not pay the ridiculous parking prices that The Stampede Board seems to think as reasonable. This is NOT to take away from the beautiful vehicles that were there, they were top notch. For example, there is a beautiful Corvette behind me....but in this car show they only had a couple Corvettes.....??? To The Calgary Stampede Board, perhaps set your standards and sights a bit higher.Below are a few of my favorites and again, all cars were beautifully done. The car behind me....well, that would be my dream car...:)
I put these beautiful cars on this sight as when it comes to creativity, skill, art and artisans that do what most of us can't, this to me is a piece of art equal to any painting I've seen out there.

Calgary Caricatures

Saturday evening had me drawing caricatures at a 50th birthday party with a great, fun group of guests. My camera was dying so only a couple of pics turned out....I must start using my phone to take pictures from now on.

Kids Caricatures

A week ago I had the opportunity to draw kids at a church social gathering....and of course, most of my pictures never turned out....I must get a new camera or start using my phone. Because of the relaxed atmoshere and time limit I was given, I had time to draw a few bodies to go with the caricatures.

Jeremy Hotz

I drew this caricature of one of the best comedians out there, Jeremy Hotz. My Son and I had a chance to meet Jeremy on the weekend and what a wonderful personality he was! He liked the caricature I drew of him (or else he was a great actor!), signed it for me....then asked me to give him my fun was that! :) If you get a chance to see a Jeremy Hotz show...DO! I've seen many comedians and he ranked at the very top, my throat was sore the next day from laughing so hard......
A fun photo-op with Jeremy after the show with my handsome son Chris...(JUST in case you're wondering...Chris is the young fellow in black....:)

Calgary Face Painter

A shout out to a Calgary face painter I worked with on the weekend, Cara Gannon, for your events, parties, you can contact Calgary Face Painter Cara at
Cara Gannon

Caricature Signature

Sometimes I see a caricature artists signature scribbled at the bottom of the page with no way to make out what it says, I'm guilty of this as well! But to show the importance of writing your name neatly, which luckily I did in this case, this young lady that framed the caricature I drew of her has hired me for two events coming up....we never know who we're drawing and with the power of Google, they can get ahold of us quite easily, which this lady did....thanks Alane!
Kelly Gannon

Re-Cover Your Drumset

Absolutely nothing to do with drawing caricatures, I know, but inbetween caricature events I've been busy re-covering my drum kit. I've re-covered approximately 20 kits throughout the last couple decades and still love seeing the kit with it's new look! First the new covering is ordered from Chicago ( right now the exchange rate will give you cardiac arrest....), after careful measurements. Precision Drums is a very good company that I've delt with over the years.
After stripping off the old wrap and carefully removing the badge and grommet (though you can buy new grommets ) first "dry fit the wrap to make sure it doesn't go past the bearing edge. It should overlap a couple of inches in length before glued.
Then tape the wrap tightly around the drum using painters tape to keep the wrap in place. Make sure the seam is placed inbetween the lugs, on the bass drum, have the seam placed at the bottom, the tom toms have the seam placed on YOUR side of the drum kit when set up so it's not visible to someone looking at the kit from the front.

I use contact cement and lightly sand the area to be glued first. Then take a sharp object such as a long nail and poke from the inside all the holes to be drilled. From the outside of the shell, drill the holes.( if you drill from the inside, it will push the wrap outward and bits of wood will fall inbetween the wrap and shell.

Place the lugs back on....take off the tape.....look at your new drum kit...take pictures and bang away to your heats content!

Show Home Caricatures

Wednesday had me drawing caricatures in Calgary at a lottery show home. The home above is priced at 2.4 million dollars. Anyone reading this that doesn't live in Canada may not know we here pay dearly for our housing. The guests below were designers and media folks....all fantastic folks!
The fellow with the beard gave me permission to "have fun with the caricature" I did! All in fun.
Kelly Gannon

Editorial Cartoonist

When drawing caricatures in Calgary at corporate events, I'm constantly asked what I used to do before being an event caricaturist....and that editorial cartoonist. After trying to get into papers, then successfully getting into them on a regular basis, just shy of four years, I wanted out. My feeling about newspapers now are that they're great for lining the birdcage. Having to read everyday about narcissistic politicians everyday really takes a toll on your outlook on people. Some nights I was up until 2:00am to finish the cartoon in order to meet the deadline ( for me it was 3:00pm), holidays were spent sometimes drawing in the bathroom of a hotel room drawing while my family slept. Then dealing with....uggghhh....editors, though one of mine ( Fort McMurray Today) was TERRIFIC! Thanks Darrel! I now see why every editorial cartoonist I've met is...well....miserable..... chance I flew down to Florida for a convention, and there were "party caricaturists" drawing there....looked interesting! It stuck in my mind....then another trip to Disneyland, and sure enough, theme park caricaturists were drawing guests there ( eventually I landed up with a job at Disneyland drawing guests and my boss was the same guy that years before had drawn myself and my family!:)

So one day I woke up...decided I didn't want to deal with newspapers, and read about creepy politicians ( which I still have the view is the majority of them ) and quit my papers....and a wave of peace came over me that I made the right decision.Though it is a bit of a rush to open a newspaper, and see something that you created from scratch and hard work, though it looks easy. But...that was about 15 years ago....the "party caricatures" are now my focus and all is well in that world....:)
Kelly Gannon

Ural wish list...:)

Ha....a friend of mine that is a motorcycle enthusiast invited me out to a motorcycle dealership to view motorcycles with him a few days ago.....I should never do that. In the past I've owned two motorcycles, but after a bit of a wipeout on the motocross one, I decided to have four wheels under me instead. When viewing these bikes I fell in love with the Ural bike complete with side-car. I know it looks like it's straight out of WW11 ( and used by the opposing side! ), but with my love of WW11 history, perhaps that's what attracted me to it. Even though the bike is manufactured in Russia, I have heard positive comments on the Ural......I should never look at something like this as it's been on my wish list since I viewed it.....damn!
Kelly Gannon

Keith Richards Caricature

I had drawn this caricature of Keith Richards a few years back, but totally re-vamped the whole cartoon as of last week. I had Mr. Richards in the period of say....20 years ago....when he wasn't totally grey and just a few less wrinkles. Keith Richards so far has to be my favorite personality to draw....LOTS to work with! And yes....I hope to see The Rolling Stones touring into their eighties! I seen them when they were on tour in their sixties....they were great!
Kelly Gannon