Party Caricatures in Calgary

Some wonderful, fun guests I had the pleasure of drawing caricatures in Calgary for last night....thanks! When the guests are like they were last night, it sure makes my job easier to do, if only I had this crowd every event I draw at! :) The event was held at Fort Calgary, a building built in 1875 by The Northwest Mounted Police....I read when hanging was legal in Canada, there were "folks" hanged there.....:( Thanks again Karen!

Christmas at the Gannon's

Creativity comes in different forms, such what some may think is simple Christmas design, but it's harder than one may think! :) My Wife did these Christmas displays above ( and many, many more) for our house this year. One year I tried decorating the looked like Stevie Wonder had a go at it.....the job is now relegated to someone who knows what they're Wife! Great job Maizie!

Jack Davis turns 90 today.

The GREAT Jack Davis turns 90 today! You may ask, "who is Jack Davis?" In the cartoon world, he is most any cartoonist's inspiration for doing what we do. The old MAD Magazine being Jack Davis's introduction to all teenage cartoonists who devoured each issue with his incredible cartoon style in each issue. The magazine no longer has cartoonists such as Jack Davis or Mort Drucker anymore.

Jack Davis work hit us all with the same impact as The Beatles did, both being from the 60's. Though my work doesn't resemble Mr. Davis, he was my inspiration for getting into my job. I'll explain....:) I tried to emulate his style when I was an editorial cartoonist, (as did many other cartoonists), then tiring of newspapers in general, I was looking around at other opportunities as a cartoonist....nothing came up!

I heard that a caricature association in the 90's was having Jack Davis as a guest speaker in Cocoa Beach, Florida.....that was it, I hopped on a plane (when air travel wasn't stressful), and headed down there. While there, I seen all these caricature artists drawing guests in mere minutes....something I could never do at that time. With thousands of drawings later, I thought I was ready to draw at my first "live" event and from there it took off.

So in a round-about way, again, Jack Davis had an influence on my career! So with that, I say....Happy Birthday Jack Davis!    ps....yes....he was a wonderful person to meet!

Studio Caricatures

I learned my lesson on this caricature assignment. First off, I don't do studio CARICATURES, but ALWAYS welcome studio CARTOONS.....there is a huge difference. When the client contacted me, he asked about CARTOONS, so I said yes, gladly will do them all. But I met with the gentleman, and he certainly was a gentleman, and after describing the job, I quickly realized he meant CARICATURES....NOT cartoons......a LOT of work, right at Christmas where I'm doing about 5 gigs a weekend and , for example am doing 3 caricature events just on the week days....then it's up to Kananaskis Resort to spend right up to New Years Day drawing caricatures for the visiting guests. I had the option of dropping out then, but he was such a nice person, I decided, what the heck...who needs sleep and food anyway.....So my lesson learned is to make clear if the drawing will be a cartoon...or a caricature.......:) There's plenty more but am too tired to post.....:)

Christmas Parties

The crowd is listening to speeches.....then it's my turn to try to entertain them!
It was tough to draw "doubles" with the tiny paper my agent supplied, but it worked! The venue was beautiful to work in...The Calgary Glencoe Club....and parking! :)

Calgary Kids Party Caricatures

The Christmas season has me drawing caricatures here in Calgary for many company family Christmas parties. Here's a couple different venues from last weekend, as you can see, because of the size of the venues, there's plenty of kids that will be attending.....which means, head down.....and draw! What I like about these events are that they are always in the morning or afternoon, leaving the evenings free for the adult parties.......:)

Calgary Party Caricatures

I had the opportunity to draw caricatures here in Calgary at a venue I've never worked at before. It was a smaller, more intimate event which is exactly what I love working at! Here's just a couple samples of one of the five events I drew caricatures here in Calgary at....:)

Christmas Party Caricatures

Drawing caricatures for kid's Christmas parties keeps a caricature artist mega busy during this time of year. This event was head down for four hours trying to caricature as many guests as I could in the allotted time. I had the great opportunity to work with face painter Amanda Tozser. Five more caricature events this weekend starting tomorrow, I've had quite a challenge as well, having to draw 28 (one more was added) full caricature illustrations for a book project for a customer that need it in a week's time.
Kelly Gannon

Calgary Wedding Caricatures

A couple pretty people from a wedding I caricatured at on the weekend. Caricaturists at weddings in Calgary are quickly becoming a popular entertainment add-on. This was a fantastic group of professionals I drew caricatures for. Thanks Shannon!!

Caricature Artist in Calgary

Besides Stampede Week, the Christmas season is the busiest time for this Calgary caricature artist. Five corporate events last week and five more this weekend. It's been tricky as I used to buy my paper at Staples, they now tell me that unless I get some sort of printing onto each piece of paper that they can't sell me anymore paper......sigh. The pens I use which took me about three years to learn how to use properly ( Marsgraphic 3000 ) are now discontinued, so it's trying different types of pens with different results, sometimes that can be a good thing......sometimes.....:) Above are some fantastic guests getting their caricatures drawn here in Calgary at a corporate event held for an investment firm. ALL a fun group!

Corporate Party Caricatures

A few attractive couples I drew cartoon style caricatures for a corporate event on the weekend. It's always tougher when the entire crowd is attractive as they were on Friday evening....:) And yes....their personalities were just as attractive as their looks! Thanks again Shelley!

Calgary Party Caricatures

I spent the weekend representing a high-end jewelry store in Calgary drawing caricatures. It was such a relief to be able to draw the two gentlemen when I could actually take my time as I'm used to a line-up and having to get as many guests drawn as possible (which is all good as the client wants value for their money). Now....if I can just learn how to use this crappy Canon camera....why is it a PHONE takes better pictures than a camera? :)

My Office

Here's just a couple venues I worked at last week, there were more, but no pics! Before the guests arrive, I'm always a bit restless waiting and just try to relax a bit. The next month and a half will be a whirlwind of events.

Sir William Stephenson

First, I thank the Canadian soldiers of the past for their service to this country! There is another group of men and women who I think never received the recognition they so very much deserve....secret agents and spies! In Canada, we have a real life hero that is rarely recognised by our school board and government, but history knows about this man they call Intrepid....Sir William Stephenson. Born in Winnipeg and becoming a multi-millionaire, Sir William Stephenson set up Camp X in Ontario, Canada to train spies who later would be flown into Nazi occupied territory. Because the Geneva Convention doesn't apply to spies, if caught, they were tortured in the worst possible ways, then executed. Ian Flemming, the author of the world's most famous fictional spy worked under Sir William Stephenson and fashioned many traits of his into his famous spy.....the fictional spy....Bond....James Bond......

Calgary Party Caricatures

Here's a couple of the many samples I drew caricatures at a corporate event a few days ago ....such FANTASTIC guests! Each and everyone was a joy to draw! When I get such receptive, fun people such as these folks, it makes my job so much better and fun for me as well. Oh....the pink tint? The entire room had pink uplighting everywhere in the room. One more special thanks to these guests....thanks for coming out on the evening that Canada elected our new Prime Minister! :)

Halloween Window Splash

Though I never pursued doing window splash, or window painting, I did this one and another for my little Grandson, Brendan. It was fun for me drawing it out as he watched me, luckily he WAS watching as I had totally forgot to draw in Dracula's fangs in which I was immediately reminded by Brendan.  Drawing on windows can be tricky as you draw everything backwards, not too bad when it comes to the image....MUCH tougher when it comes to lettering.
Jazzberry Entertainment
In the U.S.A. the Coast to Coast Bully Walk was under way again, I'm proud to say that my cartoon of the above pitbull, "Piper" is again used for the banners, and calendars as well as ID badges. From what I understand The Bully Walk is to bring awareness to the breed and it's owners, I don't know a lot about the breed, ( we have a Pomeranian-Chihuahua......about as far from a pitbull as can be....) A big shout-out to Laura Bodnar-Bruccoleri for all her fabulous work in changing not only the perception of the breed, but helping to educate it's owners. :)


Halloween is right around the corner and who is the most popular "Mistress of the Dark"? Elvira! I remember watching her movies in the late eighties and just realizing years later I would get a chance to meet her in person. Charming and classy are the first two words that come to mind when meeting this lovely red head, but as the picture below shows.....there is another side to "Elvira!"

Mark Dawson

I'm so fortunate to have a friend that is a bonafide rock star...Mark Dawson! Though the band "The Grass Roots" is a sixties icon band, hey....they have the gold records to show! The first caricature I drew of Mark was very...... "safe"......but after we became friends, then I was able to have some fun with the cartoon. My caricatures aren't the over the top exaggeration type, but rather a fun match Mark's personality. Great guy to know.....proud to call him my friend!