Calgary Party Caricatures...Kelly Gannon

2016 was a great year in review, even though the economy was slowing down in Calgary, there were still many companies that still wanted my caricatures at their parties...thank you! I just got back in the new year from drawing caricatures at the Kananaskis Resort, which I've done for the last 5 years. Here's a few of my favorite party  caricatures from 2016....looking forward to 2017! :)
I could add a hundred more caricature samples, get the picture....they're turned into a cartoon! Trying to pick out the guests' best features is my aim when drawing these....after all....we are at a party! You supply the guests....I'll supply the party! :)
Kel Gannon, Kelly Gannon Party Caricatures in Calgary, Caricatures, Caricature Artist in Calgary, Calgary Caricatures, Cartoon Caricatures, Calgary Party Caricatures,