Stampede Week Venues

One venue I draw caricatures at during Stampede Week obviously would be...The Stampede Grounds. Though I only had a few events held down there this year as most were held in other parts of the city. For many years I would be down there all ten days drawing caricatures representing corporations from banks, car companies or airlines, etc. I'm pleased I didn't have to be down there much this year as parking and traffic is a is...well, calorie packed, give me other parts of the city anytime...
I drew caricatures at For Calgary the first day of Stampede Week, looking out the window you would see this empty field, but in a few days this field would be packed with people and the showiest band on the planet...KISS.
And this band ALWAYS gives 110 % I've seen them three times....kind of like Disneyland with guitars....and now the field is back to.....a field....
I'm taking this picture from my van just before I have to get out of a warm, dry van to draw caricatures.....but the venue was supposed to be held outside! So a contingent plan was made and I was down in the basement. This house was one of the first mansions built in Calgary entertaining Dukes, Dutchess's, Prince's and Princess's from around the world.
Stampede gigs are always held in downtown Calgary offices....though not as many as previous years. Again, with parking and traffic mess...I'm alright with that.
I do gigs quite often at Heritage Park, Stampede Week is no exception. My views on Heritage Park as an entertainer? I'll keep those comments close to my chest...
Large tents! Over Stampede Week I drew in many large tents, such as the one above, which was my last event. Usually I'm outside but this year Mother Nature was not in a good mood! Rain...pretty well all week, I was actually happy that I was indoors as the sun plays havoc with my are good!