I was in Las Vegas last week and had always heard of the stage production The Blue Man Group. It's one show that over the years I have never heard anything negative about, but still I just never bothered going for some reason. This time my family and I went....AMAZING is all I can say. I'm so glad I did take in the show! High above the stage in cages was the backup band that had three fantastic drummers pounding out tribal beats in conjunction with the main entertainers painted blue with bald heads.
I couldn't get my eyes off one incredible drummer that had such command of the drum kit (they were all good though )...I just had to meet this drummer after the show as it takes quite a bit at my age now to impress me....this guy did. For such a monster sound he produced, I was surprised that he was small in stature, but large in talent. The show is a mix of high-tech, comedy and huge talent...check it out if you're ever in Vegas.