My graditude to all who served in the name of freedom! I would go one step further in thanks, especially in WW11, to the resistance fighters, The OSS, ( spies parachuted behind enemy lines ). These men and women had to send back intelligence to western countries before ground and airforces could attack, making it one of the most dangerous missions any human can imagine....if caught, no POW was torture and death....thank you!
If you get a chance, Google in "Camp X" where the spies were trained in Canada and flown behind enemy lines to begin their spy missions. Set up by The British, directed by British, American ( Wild Bill Donovan), and Canadian ( Sir William Stephenson)( my favorite Canadian ! ), spies were trained to survive in hostile territory knowing their life span could be short...lets not forget if we could convince Canadian school boards to realize this even happened in history, young people just might realize why they have the freedoms they do...........